Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Living Simply October Challenge: Day 17 Health

     Health is something the entire world needs more of, and you can find it while living a simple life. Today's challenge is to start being more intentional about your lifestyle. Take baby steps towards a healthier YOU. Here's a few small changes to keep in mind and incorporate so that you'll get through the holidays better - and start the new year off in better health than you are in now.

1.  Veggies - I know most people don't love vegetables, but there's no real way around it if you want to be healthy. They contain vitamins and minerals that you can't get from other foods. Before you say you'd rather just take a pill, understand that most vitamins cannot be absorbed by the body, they pass right through. Sure, there are some high end ones that actually DO get absorbed, but if you aren't willing to eat some vegetables, you're probably not willing to pay those higher prices either. Quick true story...someone we know worked for a septic system company. He used to clean them out and see a particular #1 selling brand vitamin in the systems, still with the company name stamped on them. Not to be gross, but obviously it's passing right through without any absorption. Don't waste your money - eat veggies. Maybe make a saucer of carrots, broccoli, and celery with some hummus instead of a bag or chips or bowl of popcorn next time you're watching a movie or tv. Simple. Effective.

2.  Move - Get moving every day. Be intentional. Park a little further from the door, take the stairs, do a few push ups or sit ups when you first wake up, do a short workout a few times a week, walk either before you start your day or after supper - or even during your lunch break. Bike with your kids. Bowl with your friends. Take a spin class at the local gym. Borrow a DVD from someone to workout. Hike on your day off. It doesn't matter WHAT you do, just do something more than you were doing before. Be intentional.

3.  Junk food - Avoid it. You know very well that when you're eating fast food, baked goods, candy, and chocolate that you aren't doing something good for your health. You know there's nothing healthy about sugar-laden (nor ones with toxic-laden artificial sweeteners) soft drinks. You know eating a bag of chips is bad for you. Switch to healthier alternatives if cutting them out cold turkey isn't a realistic option for you. Instead of a burger, order a grilled chicken sandwich and skip the fries. Eat a piece of fruit for break or snack instead of hitting the vending machine. Buy almonds or peanuts from vending machines instead of junk. Try healthier ice creams like Halo Top or Enlightened - lots of protein, natural sweeteners, less calories and fat. Instead of traditional chips or fritos, maybe switch to pea pod crisps. 

4.  Salad alternatives - If you hate salad, try a quick stir fry. Just buy a bag of cole slaw mix, throw it in a hot pan with about a teaspoon of sesame oil on medium-high heat. Add  broccoli florets first, since they take a bit longer.  Then add pea pods, bean sprouts, bell pepper strips, maybe a small amount of cashews, and any other veggies you think might taste good with it. Season it with a bit of soy sauce, ginger, salt & pepper. Takes about 5 minutes just to warm everything through. Healthy as a salad, but tastes very different. Also, try making a salad of some type of lettuce, spinach, or a mix. Then add fruit - like berries, apple or pears diced up, or mandarin orange segments. Then add some cheese - shredded, grated, soft cheese like goat cheese, or even sharp cheddar cubes. Last, add some crunch for texture. You can add sunflower seeds, a small amount of nuts, croutons, or some type of bacon (or imitation made from soy) bits. It's healthier than most American's typical meal loaded with fat, sodium, calories, carbs, and very little nutritional value. Be creative.

5.  Water - drink more of it. Water is essential to our bodies and most people don't drink enough. If you aren't getting 8 cups a day or more, start today to work towards that goal. It can be as easy as drinking a tall kitchen glass (usually they're 16 oz) in the morning, and again with each of your 3 meals. This way it aids in digestion, and you're not feeling sluggish trying to drink it all day long. You can replace anything on top of that 8 cups with unsweetened tea, coffee that's unsweetened or sweetened naturally with Stevia, xylitol, or Monk fruit. Just be very careful not to load up on the half & half, and don't use sweetened, flavored creamers. Make your own at home with natural sweeteners, cream, and extracts. 

6.  Accountability - Find an accountability partner. It can be someone you're close to that will either do active things with you, someone you can cook with, or someone you call or text at the end of a day or week to be accountable. It can even be someone on social media, like a Facebook friend, Twitter friend you follow, an Instagram buddy, or if you're still using it - you can email a friend or relative regularly. Challenge yourself today to incorporate these baby steps into your life. You'll be thankful on January 1st that you already started and have made some headway. Good luck in your quest for better health. 

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