Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Living Simply October Challenge: Day 3 - Gift ideas

     Christmas doesn't need to be a time of excessive spending or accumulating piles of "stuff".  For those of you who aren't quite to attempt a 100% gift-free holiday season, here's a few ideas that can work your family in the right direction.

1.  For material gifts, why not give things you know your family & friends would buy for themselves or need? How about a new planner? a 2018 calendar? (Make one online using photos specific to them to personalize it.) a subscription to their favorite magazine? books?

2.  Homemade gifts (thousands of ideas on line, especially on websites like artwork if you're creative, bath salts/scrubs, flavored cooking oils, homemade limoncello or other alcoholic drinks, "kits" - like cookie in a jar, s'mores, soup mix, chili mix, cake mix, cookies, fudge, etc. Again, google ideas like that, anything you knitted or crocheted,

3.  Gift Certificates or Cards:  restaurants, grocery stores, gas stations, massages, spa visits, retail stores, amazon, movie theaters, google play, itunes, Xbox, phone plans, bowling, online sites like Shutterfly so they can print photo albums and other items, Wine & Painting class, educational classes, cooking classes, dance classes, etc.

4.  Tickets:  Movies, Plays, Concerts, Speaking Engagements, Sports Events, Airfare, Admission to a favorite attraction

5.  Consumables:  Gift baskets (purchased or homemade) - wine, pasta & sauce, produce, gourmet, snacks, chocolate, choose an ethnic theme (like Italian, Mexican, Southwestern, etc.), card games, candy, cookies, flavored popcorn, etc.

6.  Other ideas:  Memberships to local attractions, personalized ceramic mugs/platters (see online ideas or visit places like As You Wish), decorate a photo frame, blow up and frame a picture you take that you know they'll love to hang in their home,

     I hope these ideas help you get started, especially since we're getting a good head start. Good luck!

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