Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Living Simply: Everyday

     We've been talking about the holiday and its busyness for about 6 weeks. Today, let's just focus on some small things we can do to live more simply every single day - any time of year - no matter who you are or where you live. Just simplify your life - intentionally.

1.  Perspective - I know a few people in my life that worry about EVERY SINGLE LITTLE THING as if it's a life-altering, major, BIG thing. Usually, it's something so small that most people wouldn't give it more than a few seconds of their time. I don't know why people do that. Maybe they're bored in their life, feeling like they aren't going anywhere and stirring up drama is the only exciting thing. Maybe it's because they've done it so long that now it's their comfort zone. They don't know how to have emotions and thoughts that are appropriate for the situation. To simplify your life, you've got to keep things in perspective. Will it matter in 5 years? Let it go. Will it alter your entire life? Let it go. Will it be something important a year from now? Let it go. In many cases, the imagined worries won't matter even 24 - 48 HOURS from now. Let it go. By the way, worrying changes NOTHING about the situation. Action or changing your thinking or getting help - that's the only way to change things.

2.  The Golden Rule - somewhere along your journey you've heard someone say, "Treat others the way you want to be treated." Do you believe in that? Or did you find that one too many times you were nice to someone only to have them treat you poorly? Did it turn you into a cynical, uncaring, nasty person? You have the CHOICE to live differently. How you treat others says everything about your character. You are defined by your actions. It's time to do the right thing and treat people decently, with respect, regardless of your differences or their flaws. Obviously if there's a bad person living a life of crime or habitually drags others into their problems they created themselves, you don't have to wrap yourself up in their drama. You have the right to walk away from bad people, but with those you decide not to walk away from or avoid - treat them right. Not in hopes of getting something back in return, people are people, we're all flawed. Do it because it's the right thing to do and that's the type of person YOU are.

3.  Be positive - no one wants to be around someone who constantly complains and talks about expecting the worst. We all have more than our share of negativity in the world. Be that breath of fresh air in the life of someone who feels like they're drowning in circumstances. Be that light in the midst of another's darkness. Stop expecting the worst. Your mind is more powerful than you know and if you constantly enhance the brain's pathways to negative thoughts, you start a self-fulfilling prophecy. On the flip side, expect things to work out, let go of the little things that don't matter, roll with the changes, and look for things to work out. Look for the silver lining.

4.  Be real - so many people I know, myself included now and then, have such a standard of perfection for themselves that they drive themselves crazy with stress trying to be absolutely perfect, 100% of the time. The truth is, NO ONE is ever perfect all the time. Once you accept that you're "good" at things, and trying your best is all you are ABLE to do, then you can stop worrying about everything you feel you aren't perfect at doing. If you can learn to get better, then do what's necessary, but stop complaining about it and stressing over it. Accept who you are, how you were made, and be okay with being your best.

5.  Be thankful, always - Only by appreciating, being grateful, and being thankful will you live a simple life that you enjoy. Without being thankful. you'll never find contentment. You'll always strive for some imagined life you'll never attain. Be thankful for those who support you and are there for you. Be thankful that you have a roof over your head. A friend of mind shares an inside joke with me that no matter how bad things seem, "at least you have a roof" - because not everybody does. Be thankful you have a place to live, food, clothes, friends, family, a job, whatever it is - be thankful.

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