Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Living Simply: Relaxing

     After several days with too many things on my plate, we've now got a step by step game plan for the long-term projects, some action steps to do over the next few weeks for mid-term projects, and only a handful of things in the next week or so for immediate projects. Today, I find myself with a few hours of time for RELAXING. 

     What will I decide to intentionally do with that time that will add value to my life? Well, tonight I have plans to go out for a "date night" with my husband of 25 years. We'll have dinner at our favorite Italian pizza place while a friend of ours plays live music there. It'll be great to have some quiet time enjoying just being together - the two of us - in a crowd that feels like family. This afternoon, I've spent too many hours studying for a test on Monday, so I need to clear my head. I need a mindless activity. I'm not much into movies or TV, but I did go see Thor Ragnarok with my hubby and brother last night. By the way, it was very good, worth seeing. What mindless thing will I choose this afternoon?

     When I do something, I usually am multitasking, learning something, or challenging myself with some strategy game through Facebook. I think I'll choose a strategy game. If my mind is engaged I can let go of all the boring facts and figures I've been studying. What will YOU do when you get time for relaxing? Here's a few options:

  • Go for a walk around your neighborhood or a favorite park or city block, get fresh air.
  • Cook or bake something from scratch.
  • Take a well-deserved nap.
  • Make some do it yourself project or early holiday gifts for loved ones.
  • Get some exercise, do some yoga, or just take some time out for meditating.
  • Catch a movie or get caught up on a favorite tv show.
  • Take 15 minutes and declutter a room with a trash bag and a donation box nearby.
  • Call a friend or relative who's probably missing you.
  • Take a relaxing bath with candles, music, the works.
  • Go out to eat with someone (or get coffee) you've been meaning to catch up with.
  • Play a board or video game with the kids, family, roommates, or some friends.
  • Read a book you've been wanting to get into lately.
  • Play an instrument if that's your thing - or sing - or dance to your favorite tunes.
     There's so many things to do. Once you decide how you most want to relax, do it, without guilt. Take some time to enjoy life. What's the point of simplifying your life unless you want the chance to do things you enjoy and value? Have a great weekend.

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