Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Living Simply: What it's NOT

In trying to live a life more simply, I tend to find so many blogs and websites dedicated to the lowest class of 18th century agrarian living. That's just not feasible for most people, and let's face it, it's not even something enjoyable to many people. I want to simplify my life, but not by being a 12 hour a day, 7 days a week farmer with a barnyard of animals to care for and maintain. If some people want to live off the land, quit their jobs, and do that, more power to them, but I don't want people to think that's how it HAS to be. If you hate your job, and want to escape from it all, great. You're living intentionally.
Just know that it doesn't have to be so primal to be a simple life.

What are some more realistic, modern ideas about simple living?

1.  Work at a job or business you love for a reasonable number of hours.

2.  Surround yourself not with only the things that bring you value or joy, letting go of the rest, but not necessarily counting how many items you own. Not everyone wants to own only what fits in a backpack.

3.  Perhaps not buying the newest expensive luxury car, but a reasonable one and still using either public transportation, walking, or biking to save on money and the environment, and getting a little functional fitness in as well.

4.  Cooking a few healthy, homemade meals a week yourself instead of fast food stops and eating oversized, overpriced, sodium and sugar laden restaurant meals every night.

5.  Make time for centering yourself, meditation, breathing, stretching, relaxing your mind and body.

6.  Take time to evaluate your life on a regular basis. What needs are/aren't being met? How are you spending your time? What's missing? Is what you're doing working?

7.  Relationships. This can be as a couple, with friends, being involved in the community, and if you enjoy your work, it could include doing things with your coworkers that you like. No one grows and learns as a hermit.

So whether you live in an RV, a tiny home, a trailer, a rented room in another's house, a dormitory, an apartment, a condo or duplex, or a traditional home, you can live more intentionally and more simply. What that looks like for YOU is your decision. Don't keep doing what you hate simply because you feel pressure to live up to someone else's standard.

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