Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Living Simply: Obstacles to simple living

I've noticed for the past 8 weeks or so, life has been a continuing series of one time events (stole that quote from my friend, Bill). Sometimes life throws obstacles at you in rapid succession, they aren't one continuous thing you failed to address, just a bunch of random, one time events, one after another. When this happens, it's hard to live the simple life you're trying to adopt. So what types of things "attack you" and what can you do about it?

1.  Illness/sickness/allergies - This one hits randomly. I've convinced it has nothing to do with protective measures anymore. You can be around people coughing and sneezing and be fine, yet you come down with something when you're using sanitizer and locking yourself away from everyone possible.  - So what can you do about it? You can try home remedies, natural remedies, increase your immune boosters like vitamin C and garlic (a natural antibiotic) but the truth is, it will last as long as it lasts, and will go when it's "done with you". So to live more simply, take the time to rest when you need to. Don't be the hero. All it does is take you longer to heal. Sleep. Nap. Cancel a few things if you must. Rest is the only real determining factor once you know it's not something super serious requiring prescriptions. And if it is serious, accepting it, taking your medication, and resting is all you can do anyway. Enjoy the extra rest.

2.  Projects you must complete - For some it's a work project with a deadline, for me, it's a college assignment, like a 10 page report in perfect English grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc. Maybe it's research you must do before you can begin an on-coming project. - What can you do about it? If it becomes the priority in your world, then give it your full attention. Trying to do a bit here and there will not give you the best results and it makes your efforts twice as hard. Set aside a block of time to get the thing done so you can move forward with a new priority as soon as possible. Giving it your full attention will assure it's most likely done right the first time.

3.  Life throws stuff at you sometimes - you may experience a string of things like a flat tire, your bank account has been hacked, your phone died, and you're car won't start, all in the same week. It sucks but it happens. Take a step back. Breathe. Handle one thing at a time. Make whatever appointment needs to be made, set aside time to talk to those who can help you. Just get through them one thing at a time. It won't be this way forever.

4.  Other people need you - It could be your partner, kids, coworkers, aging parents, friends, neighbors, just about anyone. They need your particular set of skills or a ride to and from somewhere, or for you to volunteer for something in a pinch. This is where you need to know and trust your own judgement. If it can wait until a more convenient time, reschedule your help. If it has a deadline AND you feel it's something you can and should do, then do it and don't look back, give it your best. If it's something that's very inconvenient, timing is wrong, and it's not your responsibility, then a polite "no" is allowed. Don't feel guilty. The other person will either get over it or they won't. You must decide what you can and cannot handle - especially if it's for someone you know doesn't come to the aid of others when they need it, or if the person who habitually needs you because they do nothing to help themselves. No guilt. Don't lose sleep over it. Don't let their emotional manipulation get to you. Just give them a polite "no" and move on. Again, if it IS your responsibility, then be an adult and handle it quickly, with best intentions, and then you're free to move onto something else.

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