Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Living Simple: Other money saving ideas

This is the time of year people seemed a little strapped for cash. For college students, it's when either they need money for next semester's classes, or they know they'll have to start paying off those loans since they're graduating in the next few weeks.
     For the families, it's nearing the end of the school year. Kids will need things to do this summer, maybe there's travel plans to be paid for, and they'll all need new clothes and shoes since last year's don't fit anymore.
     Whatever your situation, who couldn't use a little extra cash? There's lots of "side hustles" to make money, but if you're wasting it as fast as you're making it, what's the point? Here's a few ways to save some money in the meantime.

1. Food budget: I will always recommend trying the store brand versions. They come off the same assembly lines as the brand names but there's no advertising costs figured in. You may be surprised to know that your favorite ketchup for example is really the exact same ketchup that's in your store's brand and bottle but it's usually a LOT less money. Most stores have a great guarantee that if you don't like their product, you can return or exchange it. 
     Also, there's a website called Emeals that you can go to and sign up. For about $5 - $10/month, and they email you a menu, grocery shopping list, and even what stores to buy from with average prices to you can see what it'll cost. You can pick gluten-free, vegan, low fat, paleo, and many others.

2.  Save money without thinking. There's many banks now offering to round up your purchases to the nearest dollar and the extra change gets deposited to your savings account instead of jingling in your pocket. Some of them are online only banks, like Chime online bank. They even will match you 10% of what you saved up to $500. 

3. Many millennials and even those younger are saving money by not having a monthly cable bill for TV. They watch what they want on demand with Netflix or Hulu. For about $15 a month you get all your favorite shows plus original content.

4.  Clothing budget (especially for kids), save a bundle this time of year buying kids' clothes (and maybe a few adult pieces) at local yard sales, garage sales, tag sales, whatever they call them in your neck of the woods - this is the season. Also, many people do spring cleaning preparing for the change in seasons and now is a great time to get first looks at Goodwill, Salvation Army, Deseret stores, and other thrift stores. If you find one that gives the proceeds to help the community, even better.

5.  Reusable water bottles can save you lots of money by refilling your own throughout the day, but you're also helping the landfill situation, now overloaded with empty plastic disposable water bottles. 

6.  Brown Bag It - bring leftovers to work, pack your lunch from home, bake on the weekends instead of buying store-brand, chemical laden treats for the kids all week.

7.  Plan a weekend that costs next to nothing. Watch movies either through Netflix or other sites you already subscribe to, make your own snacks, play some board games, play cards, go for nature walks, be creative. 

If you can learn to save a little here and there, it will add up to quite a bit at the end of the month, and especially the year. There's hundreds, if not thousands, of stories online of people who saved a little with simple steps and saved enough for a vacation, or a much needed new (to them) car, or even a down payment on a home. Good luck, and be mindful of where your money goes.

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