Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Living Simply: Are you ready to make changes?

How do you know if you're ready to make some serious changes in your life? Maybe you made a few attempts to start? Maybe you've given it a lot of thought but never really gave it a true effort yet? Maybe you've messed up for what you hope is the last time and you're ready to live your life differently? Maybe life is forcing you to change the path you're on so now is the best time to make a new start - the RIGHT way? In any case, here's a few ideas how to figure out if you're ready to make changes:

1.  Have you figured out you're done with the "hamster wheel" yet? Most of us get to a point where we figure out we're just chasing out tails, doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results (which, by the way, is the definition of insanity!). You may have gotten to that point where you know you've missed out on years of what could've been a better life because you were caught up in the rat race. Home to work to home, 5, 6, or even 7 days a week. You may have missed some important time or events with your family, your children's childhood, your neglected spouse, not been there for friends when they needed you. If this sounds like where you're at - You're ready.

2.  Has the pull of "stuff" worn off yet? Are you realizing you own so much stuff that it's everywhere, it takes hours to maintain, it's cluttering your world? Have you said to yourself that you'd rather spend money on travel, or experiences, rather than buy more stuff you don't need? Have you figured out that people who pay for storage because they have more stuff than they need (and don't ever see it or use it) don't have it all figured out? Have you pictured yourself enjoying life instead of collecting material things?  - You're ready.

3.  Have you lost your thankfulness? Do you find yourself complaining more than you'd like and having less and less to be thankful for? Are you thinking that you'd like to be able to appreciate the most important things and people in life (even the smallest things)?  - You're ready.

4.  Does living unconventionally sound appealing these days? Are you tired of doing what everyone else is doing just to find out everyone else is just as miserable because the world's thinking isn't working? Are you excited about the chance to live with less, have more time and space and money by making different choices? Are you ready to feel free to live life on your terms instead of keeping up with those around you (often by lying, presenting yourself as more rich and important than you financially are)? Are you ready to live a life that's simple, honest, and free? - You're ready.

5.  Are you ready to streamline your life? Can you remove the unwanted clutter in your home, office, digital world, computer, commitments, and relationships - keeping ONLY what is necessary and brings you joy? - You're ready.

I hope today finds you ready. You only get to live this life once. You better make the most of it, doing what's important to you, not pretending to be "like everybody else". Make a new start - today.

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