Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Living Simple: Question 1

Today I'm starting a series of questions to make you think about ways you can change your life. They won't be daily, but now that I have the next 7 weeks off from college, they will at least be more frequent. I appreciate your patience as I worked my way through my 2nd semester. I didn't get to blog as often as I wanted, but I did earn another 4.0 GPA! Anyway, here's today's question:

Question 1: Where have you found peace?

Think back to where you were relaxed, at peace, wishing that would last forever.

Wherever that place was, it may be someplace for you to revisit - whether it's a physical place, or back in your home town, or maybe it was in a church, or a support group, maybe it was when you were in another occupation?

Give this question some thought. It could provoke some future direction as you simplify your life.

If you're going to move forward anyway as time goes on, do it intentionally, to find that place of peace.

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