Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Monday, June 4, 2018

Living Simply: Question 7

Today's question continues our series designed to help you simplify your life and maybe figure out the direction to face when making baby steps to intentionally create the life you want. Today's question is this:

What do you want to let go of?

This can hold so much meaning depending where you are in your journey. I'll break it down to help you from being overwhelmed with too much to think about at once.

From a materialistic and practical standpoint: If you're thinking about minimalism, simplifying your life, or just removing a bunch of clutter from your home or office, where do you start? How about just focusing on what's easiest - a hall closet, a junk drawer, a utensil drawer in the kitchen, your food cabinet/pantry, going through a DVD or CD collection. Start with something small and easy to give yourself some quick success and motivation. Ask yourself a few questions:

  • What in here have I not touched in a year? (or 6 months, or however short you want)
  • What in here do I not even like nor want anymore?
  • What in here do I have more than one of and don't need?
What in here do I use/really want to keep/or it brings me joy? (those you keep, the rest you either donate, give away, sell, or throw out). After that's done, move onto the next place, area, or go room-by-room until you're done. Maybe you'll want to do it all in a weekend, maybe it'll take you a week or month, maybe it'll be something you work on over the course of the season or year. However you choose, it will be better in the end.

Next, let's think about social media, your smart phone, the internet, and your computer. Here's a few questions to ask yourself:

  • What apps on my phone do I not really need? or waste too much time using?
  • What social media to I not really enjoy? 
  • Am I using all the internet and services I'm paying for? Can I drop down to a lower tier of
  •      TV channels, or drop a movie channel/sports package? Is there a cheaper option? Do I even       NEED cable/satellite TV anymore?
Do I have a bunch of unwanted junk stored in my computer I'll never need or even look at again? Maybe it's time to go through and dump documents, photos, downloads, etc. that are taking up space but are unnecessary. You could also save them to a thumb/flash drive.

Last, let's think in terms of your mental and physical health. Here's a last set of questions to ask yourself:

  • Do I have any bad habits it's time to break? smoking? excessive alcohol? drugs? Be free.
  • Did I used to collect things for pleasure but lately, I really don't enjoy collecting anymore (this can include sports memorabilia, movies, tools, anything)
  • Are there toxic relationships you know you should let go of? People that are just using you for what they can get from you? Others who spout condemning words with never a nice thing to say to anyone? Someone with such a negative, bitter attitude that you're avoiding talking to them? What about that person who does the same things over and over, never takes advice from anyone, doesn't change their behavior, and doesn't want to change because they love the drama of it all? Sorry, but when someone makes the same mistakes over and over, they aren't mistakes anymore - they're choices. They're decisions.
Hopefully this will give you a good start in whatever area you desire to improve. Feel free to comment with any questions you have about any of this. I'm here to help those who want it.

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