Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Looking Forward to Rest

As busy as the last 2 weeks have been, the last 2 weeks of December should be a time for more rest. I normally have Sun - Tues off from work. That gives me the time to teach all day Monday, do my Tues. bible study, drop kids off at drama class and make it to the Tuesday night business meeting.

Well, Christmas week we're closed Christmas eve and Christmas day - Th and Fri. That gives me Sun - Thursday off! My in-laws will be here by Tues. afternoon, but that's not hectic. I enjoy their company and the kids get to hang on someone else for a change!

The week after, we're closed Sunday through Thursday again! So I'll have another 5 days off after the holidays to rest, sleep in, play with the kids, get caught up on stuff, and get back to playing drums. I actually expect that by the time those days get here, I'll have filled them with stuff to do, but at least it'll be stuff I want to do instead of going to work. sleep past 6:30am for just one day!!! It's been 6 months since I could do that!

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