Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Summer in Concho

I'm so glad we were able to move during the summer. I'll have plenty of time to adjust before we have to be in the thick of the school year. This year, I've got 2 in high school and one in Jr. journey will be over soon. Then what will I do?

Local color here? We went to a friend of the family's bday party recently where we sat in a fairly small room and about 7 or 8 people brought guitars and a fiddle to play OLD country Roger Whittaker, folk songs, and something that ended with a cowboy yodeling. Very different from my normal city life, but I can appreciate the flavor of the old west that still runs strong around here. It's like being on vacation and seeing new sights, taking in the local atmosphere. It was more fun than I expected.

Then we went to a friend's wedding. He and his fiancee lived in the valley when we met them, now we both live up here about 40 minutes apart. It was at a cute church where the preacher has a strong Texas accent. Then the reception was back at the house among pine and oak trees - haven't seen those in a while! It was outdoors and it'd rained pretty hard while we were all at the church, but everyone pitched in and wiped tables, wiped chairs, put out tablecloths, lit the candles and cooked the food.
It turned out chilly but very pretty in the end. The food was all stuff everyone brought and there was more than enough. The bride was beautiful, the groom looked so happy and wide-eyed the whole night, and they have a little girl who was absolutely adorable and very well behaved.

This morning we tried a new church. It reminds me of our old church in Rochester, NH. It's small, and there's a mix of jeans and dresses (along with suits from 1972), and even cowboy getup. We'll try it again.

Up here, there's old people and very young families with kids under 7, so the gap in between happens to be our age group. Hopefully, we'll make some friends closer to our age. The 2 younger kids have found a few friends, but not our 16 year old hermit. Maybe when he gets a job in a few weeks he'll make a few.

Anyway, Aug. 16th we start our normal routine back up WITHOUT JOBS so it should be a smooth, wonderful year. I'm so excited that Tim will be around every day and he'll have weekends and holidays to improve the closeness of our family relationships.

I love being Self-Employed!!!

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