Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Cold & Flu Season

Year after year we've been blessed with good health. Logan hasn't been sick with a cold in almost 10 years, Jordan doesn't get sick very often, Adam usually only has allergies, Tim usually just has allergies, and with my auto-immune disease, I haven't had a cold in 15 years! I've had one day every few years where I begin to get cold symptoms but it's gone before the next morning.

This winter, it's our first time being in such constantly low temperatures in 7 years and now we're all sick but Adam. Logan's been sick for 7 days now, I'm on day 3, Jordan's having an awful day today, Tim woke up with a non-stop runny nose - only Adam is still healthy. He's hiding in his room all that he can.

I have to say, although tempers can be short when we're sick, and we're too exhausted to get all of our chores done, for me, there's a bright auto-immune system is finally back to normal!!! It's taken years of changing eating habits, losing weight, getting healthier with Monavie's products, and lots of prayer, but I finally think the scleroderma and associated problems are gone!

As for the kids, I'll just do what I can to take care of them as best I can. Lots of chicken coup, I guess! I'm sure we'll all be fine in the next week or so.

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