Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

If Everything Went Smoothly, It Wouldn't Be an Adventure

This week completed 5 weeks of Tim's preparing, training, and practicing for his new career. He was hired by a new company to open a sales office in the city, get it up and running with 30 or so guys making money consistently, and a great manager in place, so he can then go do it again in another city. The potential is there and he's doing great, but putting our lives on hold for over a month, and not pursuing any other type of vocation in the meantime, it's got us financially holding our breaths again. Will it be like this forever?

Tim has faithfully invested 8 to 12 hours a day, 6 days a week to getting ready for this. He's studied scripts, spent a week in CA with the owners, gotten in real in-the-field data, responses and sales so he can teach from a realistic point of view. He's done everything right from where I sit, but still we're in a sort of waiting game.

Next week he'll be traveling to the city to look at real estate, meet with potential hirings, discuss details with a potential office person he wants to hire, and hopefully, he'll even manage to get a few sales of his own while he's down there.

I know once things are up and running (just a few more weeks), the money will come, the schedule won't be quite so hectic, I'll be able to go with him once in a while (the kids too), and things will be great. It's a good product/service, at an amazing price, and it's truly something that can help businesses bring in more customers, therefore, increasing sales. It's win-win for Tim and the business owners.

I just hate the waiting part...

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