Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Day

Today is thanksgiving. Mom & Dad are on the east coast, we have no friends or family that live near us, so I guess it's just the 5 of us again. Could be worse, it could just be the 4 of us. With Tim working at WalMart these days, he easily could've ended up working today - so I'm happy he's home today. He won't have to do a ridiculous Black Friday shift either. He won't go in til 10pm after the madness is over, the shelves are depleted, and hopefully, that should make his new inventory go up faster.

We're staying very traditional this year. I'm roasting a turkey, making homemade stuffing from scratch, mashed potatoes, gravy, green bean casserole, and since the kids never had them, I bought King's Hawaiian sweet rolls instead of making my usual garlic cheddar biscuits. For dessert, I made a simple pumpkin pie and pudding pie with Jordan. We had some phyllo cups left over from a previous event so we filled those with pudding too. Maybe we'll put those out at noon with veggie sticks, crackers, cheese and dip.

We'll eat around 3 or so, plenty of time to work off what we eat - though I don't remember ever going back for seconds on Thanksgiving - just not my thing. I wish we had football to watch - I hate TV so I almost never miss it - except Thanksgiving, and NFL playoffs, and of course the SuperBowl.

My family isn't big on sharing things to be thankful for, so instead of being disappointed when my expectations for family bonding doesn't happen, I'll just go into today unexpecting. Just being with my family will be enough. This may be our last Thanksgiving with Adam for a while, since he wants to move to the valley as soon as possible. I'll just enjoy today with a casual, relaxing plan of having no set plans.

Maybe, if I get lucky, we'll have a few games of darts, ping pong, or find a movie we can watch together - minus Adam - he'll come out to eat, then go back to his room, but that's okay. That's how he likes it, that's always been his personality. I don't get frustrated because I can't change people to do what I want or be like I want them to be.

It'll be a good day today.

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