Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

It's all new and different...

Sometimes we have the opportunity to go back to where we came from, whether it's a town we lived in, a church or group we belonged to, a sport or activity we used to participate in, etc. Often we return expecting things to be like they used to be, but I've learned over the years, that rarely happens. Recently we moved back to the city where we lived 2 years ago. We even got to re-join the church where we'd been members for 7 years before we left. But I had no illusions that things would be the same as they were when we left. In fact, things changed so much just in the 6 months before we left that there's no way it could be "how it was". This economy has really changed the face of our country, even in the higher-end neighborhoods. Friends who were living above the normal standard have lost their homes, stay-at-home wives and moms have had to go to work, people have left the area to live less expensively, and with gas prices rising to almost $4 a gallon for so long, many have had to leave our church and groups because it became "just too far" of a commute. Now our family will be starting over in the city we came from, but it'll be all new. We did return to our church, even though it's 22 miles away. We'll cut expenses somewhere else to afford the 2 trips a week on Sundays and Tuesday morning (for my Ladies' Bible Study). We're in a new area of town, a much better neighborhood, but that means we'll need to make all new friends here. Also, the names on the stores are the same, but they're at different locations now so we'll meet new people that work there too. The church has lots of new faces (and unfortunately, many of the familiar ones are gone). The organizations we belonged to and places we used to frequent aren't going to be the same this time around. The kids are older. Adam's graduated (once he finishes Physics). Logan's 16, has his license, and Jordan's going into high school. I'm not sure the same field trips and homeschool groups would work now. We'll be finding new things we like to do, both individually and as a family. Even our household dynamic has changed. Adam's rarely home to eat dinner with us, both boys are looking for jobs, and Tim's on the road 2 weeks at a time with just 3 days off in-between. It's a new adventure but in familiar surroundings. It's a bit strange, I see the kids struggling to make things like they were, but they can't. Life changes, it goes on while we're doing other things. Two years has changed so much - and I think, so have we. I don't know exactly what's in store for us, but I know we're better prepared and have learned to appreciate what we have a lot more. It's a new adventure for sure. I'm looking forward to seeing what God's got in store for us with the new lessons we've learned.

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