Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day Reflections

(Note: Sorry it reads like a big paragraph. I wrote it as bullet points and with spaces for quick reading, but the blog didn't format it the same way.) This Mother's Day is pulling out a whole range of emotions. Maybe it's because my kids are almost all grown, maybe because Tim's been gone for 3 weeks. Maybe because my mother and grandmother are thousands of miles away. Here's some random thoughts, good and bad, that I've been experiencing this week in regards to Mother's Day: The bad: - I wish he'd hurry up and move out, his selfishness is really bothering the other two. - Why is she so whiney! She's going into high school and still acts like she's 10. - What makes him think he knows everything when he's never attended public school, had a job, lived on his own, had a real relationship, or drove a car by himself yet? - It's so hard being a single parent while Tim's gone for so long - it was supposed to be 2 weeks and it'll actually be almost 4 full weeks! - I feel guilty when I know I'm doing or saying the right thing when disciplining my kids. The good: - I'm so proud of him. He's alcohol, smoke, and drug-free as a young man. He makes good decisions and recognizes the mistakes his peers are making. - I know she's almost in high school, but to see her swinging at the park makes me wish she were little all over again. - It's a good thing he's so smart and handy with Tim gone so much. I don't worry about what I'll do if the car breaks down, or I need computer help. - With Tim gone, it gives me a chance to establish a good routine for our family, and begin some new good habits before he gets back. - Stepping back and seeing how great my kids are, I'm glad I was more strict on them than they said their friends' parents have been. It's been a roller coaster of emotion. Mostly because we're all experiencing this move and changes differently. Part of us wants things to go back to how good they were before we moved from here 2 years ago. Part of us is excited to start a new life, with a new circle of friends, and happy that the bad things of the past are just that - in the past. So this Mother's Day, I have many mixed emotions going on, but I know one thing...I have great kids, it's not about flowers, candy, cards or gifts. It's about the relationships I have with each of my children. They're all unique, have their own strengths and weaknesses, are both so alike and so different from me in many ways, and no matter how much time I've spent with them, it still feels like it went too fast. To have one more day with Adam when he was about 5, one more with Logan when he was 3, and one more with Jordan when she was 2...those days are gone, I know, but at least I was there for them, and have great memories (and tons of scrapbooked pages) of those times. I am blessed. Happy Mother's Day.

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