Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Friday, July 13, 2012


Rain. How you view it is so different based on where you live. I grew up in New England where it rained too much. Sure, it made everything really green, but so many important events got cancelled or post-poned (if not ruined) by rain. Rain led to flooded basements where stored boxes of sentimental or important keepsakes were ruined. It also isn't very kind on septic systems there either!

Then we moved to Arizona - to escape the cold, humidity, snow, and rain. We get barely 8 inches a year and we average 85% pure sunny days. When it rains here, like it is this morning, it's a time of joy and celebration. We open our doors & windows, shut off the air conditioners to get fresh air in the house, and we enjoy the summer monsoon rain best because it breaks the 110+ degree ruts! It'll often be that high for weeks at a time in summer, then one rainy day will top out in the 90s.

It's so much fun to watch Jordan on rainy mornings. She can't wait to run out in it! She enjoys just letting it fall on her with a huge smile on her face.

After too much time in the northeast, we've definitely decided that we now can say, we love the rain.

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