Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


I would bet when you hear the word "plateaus" it conjures up bad, frustrating images for most of us. I'm ready to jump into a new school year, a new Women's Life Group, a new bible study, a new homeschool group, and a re-launch of my business, now that we've relocated. I'd like nothing more than to jump into all of these without the struggle of the plateau.

In our school year, I want to help Jordan transition into high school and Logan to be prepared for college in 2 years (sooner if we do dual enrollment). Our last few years have been okay, but nothing great. Between not having the money or local resources (poor library choices) to enhance their schooling, we learned what we should have, but it was very boring. Almost as if we simply did public school at home. We missed out on the fun things we normally would add to enhance the learning experience. I hope to break through that plateau this year with field trips, DVDs, websites (now that our internet speed is reasonable again), etc.

In about a month or so, our church will be launching new Life Groups, or small groups, as some are called. My calling is in Women's Ministries, and I've been asked to facilitate a group with two friends of mine. It'll be the first life group focus the church has had in a while, and there's so many new faces since I moved away two years ago, that I pray to break through a plateau there too. I want to teach something new, exciting, relevant, and something to produce growth in the women I'm entrusted with. I pray for guidance to do the study based on what they need - not what I'm familiar with.

We have a new bible study coming up for Tues. mornings, but I'm just a participant there - but I'll be teaching both Logan & Jordan a new bible study (separately). They've grown up around the Bible's teachings, so I want to break through a plateau with them on that as well. I want to be able to deliver to them new perspectives, new applications of what they learn as they enter young adulthood.

I joined a brand new homeschool group for this year. Not that I'm new to a group - but that the group itself is just starting out. I believe there's only 8 families so far, so it'll take work to get it off the ground and growing. I've got to break through plateaus there too. For the past two years, I was able to take a break in this area and not have to be responsible for field trips, Mom's night out, volunteering, park days, and the like. This year, I'll have to step up and do more to help the group grow. I'll try to find the Women's Ministry type of jobs and fill in there. I've already volunteered for February's Mom's Night Out. Being close to Valentine's Day, I think I'll choose that night to speak on the book, The 5 Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman.

The last, and hopefully best, part of breaking through plateaus involves my business relocating to the Valley once again. I spent the last 2 years isolated and broke. Now it's time to expand once again, help more people get healthy and make some money - as well as get through my weight loss plateau. It's the most frustrating plateau of all. I can drop 3 lbs in 3 days, and by the end of that same week, gain it all back - without changing a single thing! I can continue to keep my calories at the same level, and be mostly vegetarian eating, cut all sugar and processed foods, and workout every single day - yet my body re-sets itself up 3 or 4 lbs. by the end of the week. So frustrating. Now that we've got a little more money, I'm hoping that I can be on the RVL product more consistently and get through the hardest plateau. I'm glad to be down about 25 lbs this year and down a few sizes from last August, but I still have a long way to go before I feel truly "healthy". It'll be my hardest, most challenging plateau to break - but I'm committed, I believe I can do it, and I'm ready to begin.

What plateaus are YOU going to break through?

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