Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Prioritizing: Step 2

Okay, I think I've got it down to 8 broad categories now - that in itself is an accomplishment. Here they are, in no particular order:
- My Home: Mother, Wife, Housewife, Finances, Kids
- Business: Everything to do with my home-business, incl. FB & Twitter postings
- Education: Homeschooling the kids, our homeschool group, and classes we'll be taking
- Faith: Church, Bible Study, Life Groups, Prayer & Reading, etc.
- Family & Friends: Phone calls, skyping, FB/Email messaging, coffee with friends, social events
- Couponing: Buying, Clipping, Organizing, Matching, & Shopping, then the classes I'll teach.
- Health: What I eat, water consumption, Zumba, other exercise, sleep, etc.
- Habit 7: (from The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Dr. Stephen Covey) This is where I can include rest & relaxation, scrapbooking, blogging, journaling, watching movies with Tim or the kids, taking time for me, quiet time to think & plan, taking time for moisturizing, doing my nails, conditioning my hair, all those things that slip through the cracks.

What did I get rid of? We don't have TV or else that'd be the first to go. I dropped worrying about finishing an old scrapbooking heritage album for now so I don't get overwhelmed at not keeping up with the present. I dropped cooking great meals that no one really wants or cares about. I'll still cook when our family will all be home together, but when I spend 2 hours cooking a meal and have 3 out of 3 kids say, "I'm not hungry" or they leave to go to their friends' houses for the night, it's wasted time & effort. I won't be playing the games I played on FB to fill my days in Concho when we were in isolation with no money & no gas to go anywhere. I won't be spending hours planning things I'll never get around to doing. I'll just get better at planning what's important, and doing that well by careful planning.

Hopefully, I can take these 8 categories and devise some type of weekly & monthly calendar to include all of them. I'm not necessarily hoping to get more done. I just want what I do to count for more. I want to improve the quality of life I live and not look back years from now wondering how much time I wasted on the unimportant.

What's important in your life that you could build into your schedule regularly that would improve your quality of life? Always open to ideas.

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