Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Living Simply: Minimalism

Many people who want to live a more simple life eventually stumble across the topic of Minimalism. What exactly is it? Do I have to have only a certain number of items? Am I no longer allowed to have furniture? Does that mean everything in my home has to be white walls, ceilings, and floors, along with black and white furniture? But I love my antique dishes that belonged to my great-grandmother!

You'll be happy to know that these misconceptions about minimalism are false. The truth is, it looks different for everyone. You may be a single professional living alone, one of a small group of college kids sharing a dorm, a young couple just starting out, a couple in their 30s with several children, an older couple considering retirement soon, or a widow/widower wondering how to get rid of so much accumulated stuff that's more than one person could ever possibly need. You are who you are, and you're in the stage of your life that you are. You do, however, have some choices.

1.  What is really important to me because it adds value to my life, or brings me enjoyment and happiness? Keep those things. Toss, donate, or sell the rest. If no one cares about it, stop hoarding.

2.  How many things is too many? That's up to you. If you enjoy cooking and baking for your large family, you may have more than most in your kitchen and pantry. If you hate cooking and baking and live alone, you'll have the bare minimum in your kitchen. Same goes for every other room, too.

3.  Can I keep collections? IF they bring you value or joy, you truly don't want to get rid of them in any way, shape, or form - by all means keep them. However, if you're holding onto something you and your household hasn't used in the last 6 months to a year - it already "belongs to someone else" - give it away.

4.  What's with the black and white when I do minimalism searches? It's not a rule. Many minimalists like simple, clean lines that they can aesthetically enhance with just a few, simple, colored items. Black and white go with anything and everything, so that's usually their foundation. If you'd rather have walls that are a soft gray or light tan, then go ahead. If you really like color, use it. It's bringing you joy and adding value to your home - do it.

5.  What do I do to get started - baby steps? Begin small. There's lots of suggestions on earlier posts I've put on this blog. Maybe start with one junk drawer, or one closet, or one drawer. Then keep going as you feel it makes you happier and more relieved, and it will. It's hard to explain the freedom in owning less things, but it's truly there. It's the one common factor among minimalists - they feel better after decluttering their life than they did before they did it.

It's all about you, your family, your stage of life, your values, your enjoyment. Be who you ARE.

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