Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Living Simply: Quick Declutter

As we get closer to our December holidays, celebrations, and events, let's take a few minutes to talk about doing a quick declutter. This isn't going to take you from Dedicated Shopper to True Minimalist, but if you're working towards a more simple life, letting go of possessions you no longer value, or even just need a quick "time out" to get back on track during this busy season, here's a few things you can do quickly to simplify your space and your life:

1.  Take 5-10 min. to just toss that old food in your fridge. Throw out the condiments and carton items that are past their expiration dates. Throw out stuff in storage containers you know you don't want anymore. Wipe it all down and start fresh. Make room for holiday foods you're stocking up on or things you buy/bake/cook for bringing to events. Just a few minutes reduces time shuffling needless things from shelf to shelf.

2.  As you're pulling out your winter coats, hats, mittens, boots, and sweaters, think of others. Do you or other family members have more than a couple of these items? Have the kids outgrown last winter's stuff? Donate the extras to a homeless shelter or even a Salvation Army/Goodwill type of place. People need these items desperately this time of year. Extra blankets help too if you happen to come across them. If you can get by with 2 thick coats, let the other 3 or 4 go. People need them more than your closet does.

3.  Still have unused/unwanted gifts you received last year? Use them for gift exchanges, re-gift them, or donate them. No use hanging onto things that don't add value to your life. Let them go.

4.  Have some gently used books, movies, or CDs you no longer need? Donate or re-gift them. If you don't feel right giving someone an opened movie, make up a basket with half a dozen of them or so, some microwave popcorn, some soda pop or wine, and a few movie size treats. Give it as a whole basket gift.

5.  Have a bunch of useless knick knacks you don't need cluttering? Things others brought you from their travels but it has no personal meaning to you? Let it go.

6.  Delete old apps, emails, desktop items, things cluttering your digital world that no longer bring you value. Simplify.

7.  Do a quick 10 minute sweep of your most used living space (whether it's your dorm room, bedroom at your parents' house, living room, kitchen, or even your work office. Toss papers, empty trash, put away things you left out, just a 10 minute sweep. It'll ease your mind a bit every time you enter the room.

Live intentionally. Simplify. Enjoy life.

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