Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Living Simply: Now what?

Okay, so if you've decided it's worth living a more intentional, more simple, minimalist lifestyle...and you already get that there's going to be some de-cluttering, the big question is, "Now what?" It looks different for everyone based on personality, where you live, who you live with, the size of your household (you can't magically convert everyone else to your new lifestyle, so don't push them). Here are a few pointers though to get you started with a few baby steps:

1.  Take some scheduled time to figure out YOU. Who are you? What kind of person are you? Have you been doing what's important and what you like to do, or are you following what everyone else tells you that you should be doing? These questions will help you make important changes. Maybe you are right where you want to be, but maybe you know you're not in a good fit. Perhaps examining another field or occupation if it means living the life you know you want. Are you in a job you hate with no chance for advancement? Consider if school would help get you where you want to be. 

2.  What is your personality/temperament like? There are great books out there like Personality Plus, The 5 Love Languages, the D-I-S-C personality book, and more. Figure out what type of person you are as you go forward. Are you the life of the party, happy-go-lucky person? Are you the serious, organized, meticulous, planning type of person? Are you the easy-going person who never wants to be in charge but is happy to be a behind the scenes helper? Are you the take charge leader type? Can you see how knowing that may help you understand the type of job and life you want to lead? 

3.  What flaws in your life or personality might you want to work on to become better? Do you tend to interrupt others? habitually late? Bossy? Stubborn? Disorganized? A few baby steps may be taken to correct some of these things. You're no good to the world around you if you're part of the problem. 

4.  What are your priorities? Who are your priorities? It takes income to survive, and if you have a spouse or family depending on your, then don't quit your job to backpack across Europe. Maybe it's time to get to your kids' practices or games or recitals. Maybe it's time to schedule a once a week, or at least once a month, date nights with your spouse. Maybe paying off debt is the most important thing to less stress and anxiety so you can sleep better at night. Maybe it's all about spending less, buying only what you need and nothing more.

5.  Purge regularly - material possessions, I mean. Keep a box by the door, near the stairs, in the garage, etc. where you and your household can drop things to be donated. Throw out things you don't need as you come across them, like those old magazines you'll never read again. A few times a year (or seasonally) evaluate your closet. Get rid of what either doesn't fit or you aren't wearing because you don't like it anymore. Replace a few key pieces as needed to keep your wardrobe working for you - especially if it's a small capsule wardrobe with under 40 items.

6.  Detach from the objects you own. Giving emotional attachment to things instead of people is wrong, but it's what we're taught. Value people and appreciate them. Memories are in your mind, not in the things.

7.  Figure out what experiences and/or relationships you want to add to your life. Then make an intentional effort to do them and/or nurture them. Maybe it's to develop a friendship with other hikers or fisherman or yoga buddies? Maybe it's to travel with the person you love most? Maybe it's to learn a new skill? 

And don't be afraid to keep experimenting and defining who you are. It's a life-long process. Have fun with it! 

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