Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Living Simply: Unexpected Benefits

     There are so many benefits to minimalism and living more simply, but they may be more than you think. Everyone expects the neater home, the cleaner car, less clutter, getting rid of junk drawers and boxes with no idea what's in them. But what about those other benefits you may not be aware of? Here are a few I've found:

1.  Responding vs Reacting - When you're stressed out, there's a tendency to react emotionally or just give others the answer you know they want from you. You don't have time to think things through, balance them against other options, and intentionally decide what to do in any given circumstance. Your day is more even-keeled. You're off the emotional roller coaster most of the time. You're able to give a response to a problem or question and maintain your own priorities.

2.  Improving health - Reducing stress, tension, and anxiety can lead to better sleep, lower blood pressure, lower risks of heart-related diseases. A well balanced life helps you focus on eating better, building in practical exercise to your day or week. Less last minute junk food decisions. Less fast food drive thru trips. Planned meals and snacks more often. In the long run, you may end up much healthier.

3.  Better relationships - Once you intentionally decide how to spend your time, you can choose to be around people that will encourage you, add value to your life, and who mean the most to you. You also get to eliminate those toxic relationships that weigh you down and add stress and anxiety to your world. It's not selfish to protect and nurture your own self in your relationships. Just don't go overboard thinking no one else matters but you. That too has toxic consequences.

4.  Joy - Call it what you want: contentment, happiness, calmness, peace, or joy. It's the feeling that shows up practically every day when you're living the life you know you want to be living.

5.  Freedom -  I have told people that I feel more free than ever before but it's hard to put into words. I guess it's freedom from living the life other people tell me I should be living, freedom to make up my own mind and prioritize according to my purpose, not someone else's. There's also an aspect of money freedom once the debts are paid, and you're spending isn't out of control. That's when a lifestyle of giving back comes into play. You become free (and so does your money) so you can help those in need, or support causes and organizations you believe in.

Have a great week.

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