Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Living Simply: Evaluate

How do you know if you're on the right track with simplifying your life? Here are a few ideas:

1.  Have you figured out what's most important to you? Keeping the roof over your head may seem like a practical goal, but what's important enough to you that you wanted to make a change in the first place? Is it to declutter your home? Is it to ease work anxiety? Is it to improve your health and add peace to your life? Is it to pursue a new career or hobby you "never had time" to chase before? Is it to simply spend more of your time with those you love most - like your spouse or significant other, your kids, or your closest circle of friends? Figure that out first. It's like the blueprint to figure out what fits into that "goal" (I hate to use that word from corporate America, but for explanation purposes it fits.) and what to remove from your life.

2.  How do you spend your time at work? Do you say yes to things you should say no to? This can be work-related or even just the after-work "join us for drinks" sessions you may want to drop/add depending on what you figured out in #1. 

3.  What about how you spend your time every day? Are you habitually late? Always too early? Do you climb into bed knowing too much went undone but you know you moved up a few levels on your favorite PC or video game? Do you climb into bed knowing you did all the important things intentionally, and so you don't have to feel guilty about the few things you did to unwind? Know where your time goes.

4.  How's your home life - busy or relaxing? Every day may be different, but in general, is it too busy at home or have you been able to make it into your retreat? Are there things you can delegate? Are there things that you really could let go of because they're not as important as your #1 values? Drop what you don't need. Include what's important. Find your balance.

5.  Have you decluttered your media? If you're storing things you'll never really need, let them go. If you have thousands of emails and an overstuffed "recycle bin" on your computer - time to let it go. Are there files from years ago you no longer need? Do you carry around apps with you that don't serve your intentional simple living plans? Delete it. Stacks of photos in a drawer? Scan them to a thumb drive.

6.  Have your shopping habits changed? Do you still mindlessly purchase things you see or do you now find yourself going to stores for something specific and being okay to wait on it if they don't have it? I've been in about 8 stores looking for a comforter or quilt that fits our bed (ordered a queen but coming from another country, it's the size of a U.S. full one, so it's too short and it drives me crazy every day. I won't buy one just because it's cheap, or "it's all they had". I will wait until I find the right one, at the right price, that brings me joy. 

7.  Are you working towards a healthier life? Are you eating at least a little better than before your journey? Are you getting in some walking or functional exercise? Getting fresh air now and then? Doing something physical instead of sedentary (think bowling instead of sitting at a movie eating junk)? Even if you can't stay on a totally healthy routine, can you eat just one off-plan meal a day? Or cut down to just one cheat day a week? Decide what your health is worth to you, and go earn it.

8.  Peace. Do you have it? Remember to take small breaks throughout the day to clear your head, get a change of scenery (even if it's just a walk from your cubicle to the bathroom). Are you getting to bed earlier enough that you can rest before having to wake up in the morning? Make time to recharge. Make time to rest your mind and your body when they need it. You'll end up more productive in the end. 

Hope this helps. Have a great week! 

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