Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Friday, February 9, 2018

Living Simply: What would you tell YOU?

Let's take a few minutes today to really think...knowing what you know now, as you're working towards either minimalism or just a more simple, intentional life, after you've begun decluttering and getting rid of so much stuff you've accumulated mindlessly over the years...what would you tell your younger self if you went back in time? Maybe something like this?

1.  THINK about your buying habits. Figure out what are impulsive, emotional wants and what are actual needs. There are so many better things to spend your money on than just the clutter and material junk that advertisers and store sale signs tell you to buy.

2.  BE CREATIVE. Can you borrow the book, music, or movie, or get it from the library instead of buying it? (Especially textbooks for college!), Can you buy top brand clothes from a discounted store like an outlet store? Ross, Marshall's or TJ Maxx? Have you considered Goodwill for basic items like bakeware or electronics?

3.  Think about EXPERIENCES. Instead of always buying things for yourself and others, what about purchasing experiences instead, full of lifelong memories and opportunities for strengthening relationships? Instead of a sweater, purse, movie, shoes, music, etc., what about buying theater or movie tickets? restaurant gift cards? bowling gift certificates? tickets to an event, concert, sporting event, or trade show? how about an overnight stay at a bed and breakfast?

4.  Don't buy more than you need, especially CLOTHING. Most people wear the same few items and never touch 80% of their closet's contents. If it doesn't fit anymore, donate it. If it's out of style, toss it. If it's stained or has holes that prevents you from wearing it regularly, throw it out. If it's a style that doesn't really suit you, give it away. Stop hoarding stuff you'll never wear.

5.  Be INTENTIONAL with your time. Don't waste time doing things you hate. Instead, create more time to do what brings you joy or adds value to your life. Spend it with those you love instead of scrolling on your phone or sitting on your computer all night. Why watch a movie alone when you can watch with friends or family? Make time to get away, breathe fresh air, fellowship with others.

Now that we've gone through this little thinking exercise, imagine what your older self would say to you NOW. What will your wiser self tell you to change? How or in what areas would your future self tell you to start growing? What will your older self tell you to do today so your future is even better? Then start today taking those baby steps to move you toward the direction you need to go, for you. May you also enjoy the journey.

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