Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Day 11: Evaluate your commitments

     Why are we all so busy so often? The answer lies in the number of things we say yes to and the number of things to which we say no. Today is a chance to evaluate my commitments.

Sunday - I go to church Sunday mornings. I have for most of my adult life. I only skip it if I'm out of town. It gives my week a good focus - what to try to do better, how to see others, how I can be useful to help others, etc. This one stays.

Monday - I teach a small group of women in a very intimate, honest, open, non-judgmental setting. These are my closest friends who know me better than any of my other friends. We're not just studying together, we're "doing life" together. We're there for each other through the good and the bad. This one stays.

In a few weeks, I'm going back to college after 30 years! I'll be going straight from my small group to the college from about noon til six, so that's a commitment that's not really flexible and I will keep.

Tuesday - I begin each week at my church's Women's Bible Studies. It's not only where I can be a student and learn from mentors and other ladies, but it also is where I get to know people on a deeper level that there's no time for as we pass in the hallway on a Sunday morning. Since my heart and passion is in Women's Ministry, this stays. Without it, I'm no good the rest of the week.

Wednesday - the first day of the week I get to stay home (usually). It's my day to get caught up on cleaning, computer things that need to be taken care of, work on improving myself and my skills, and I get to see if I'm on track for the week. I need this day without commitments, so this one has to stay commitment free.

In a few weeks, when I start college, I'll be going Mon. and Wed. from noon til six, so I'll probably commit Wed. mornings to homework & studying, and classes for the afternoon. Hopefully evenings will be a little time for relaxing.

Thursday - usually this is the day I plan the next week's menu, finalize the grocery list, pay the bills, balance the checkbook, and figure out what, if any, plans need to come together for the weekend. Sometimes it's picking Tim or Logan up for their home time. That's a 90 minute commitment or more right there. Sometimes I get part of the grocery shopping done before the stores are crowded on Fridays. If it's spring or fall, you may find I take a few hours to go to Spring Training baseball practice as either the Diamondbacks or the Cubs field, or I'm watching prospects in a Fall Ball game. This is a flexible commitment day depending on the week - a good way to keep it.

Friday - all grocery shopping is finalized, the checkbook is balanced again, errands get done, and then I take whatever's left over and split it between things like savings, upcoming travel plans, paying off any credit card debt we may have at the time. It's also a chance to do some of the more irregular cleaning like washing the floors with a good mopping, or washing the towels, or doing yard work, or washing the sheets. Again it's a day I keep flexible, and it should stay that way. If I plan on doing lunch with a friend, often I do it on a Friday.

Saturday - my most flexible day - it could be cleaning, resting after a busy week, spending it with Tim or the rest of the family if they're here, or shopping for something I need before the new week. I like the flexibility of it. It's staying that way.

Go through your own week and figure out if the commitments you have are important, or just something you do because you feel you "should" or someone else thinks you should. Decide if it's really what you want or need, then make your own evaluation & decisions. Good luck.

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