Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Day 12: Define your goals for this year.

     January 1st I always write down things I want to do, learn, accomplish, and more. It's like I get a clean slate for the new year and I want to at least begin the year intentionally. For today's challenge I had to go over what I wrote in January and evaluate them, consider what I've changed my mind about, and what I plan on continuing to work on through December 31st.  Here's what I've got:

1.  Health - My goal wasn't a number on the scale or a particular size. It was to add regular workouts to my weeks and months so that by the end of the year, I'll be healthier, have more stamina, and be stronger.

Evaluation:  I took time off in June from exercising. Life was busy. I was travelling, although I walked many miles during my vacation. I have continued to workout 4 times a week minimum since then. I notice I have lost a little weight, I lost some off my body fat percentage, I've lost a few inches, and I fit in clothes I didn't fit in back in January. I feel like I'm stronger since I can do the regular exercises instead of just the beginner level ones. I don't have to quit or stop until the workout is done, so stamina and endurance are increasing as well. This is a good goal to keep pursuing.

2.  Relationships - My goal was to go to lunch once a month with a friend or family member to talk about them, how they're doing, how I can add value to their life by help or resources (where to find the answers they need).

Evaluation:  I think I've only done this 2 times in the past 6 1/2 months with the exception of while I was on vacation getting caught up with long-distance relatives and friends. I don't know if every month works so I'll change this goal to "as needed" or at least, keep it flexible. Sometimes I find other moments to share and listen with people, usually at church before or after a study or sermon. That can be a good replacement if it's genuine and not superficial. Also, I've been invited to join a group of about 6 - 8 particular ladies that go to lunch after church once a month, so that helps me keep on track.

3.  Growing - I've always been a student of learning life and people skills. My original plan involved learning Spanish, which I kept up for about 5 months then in June, my schedule didn't really allow the time and head work necessary. I also planned to read at least 20 books.

Evaluation - Spanish may be on hold, or just when I can shut everything else down for a while to get my head into it. I've reached the point where the program is teaching all brand new things with lots of conversational exercises and little instruction as to what they want when there's many options to pick from. It got very frustrating so I put it on hold for a while. As for reading, I've definitely read half the books at this year's half way point. I'm also reading lots of free ebooks which generally take me about an hour so not sure how to count those since they're 60-80 pages, but not quite a traditional "book". Either way, I'll keep reading like I always do. I'm devouring books on Minimalism right now.

4.  Finances - The goal was to pay off at least 1 credit card (we only own 2), pay for our 25th Anniversary trip 3 months before we leave, and build up savings.

Evaluation:  Although we did pay off 1 credit card and pay for our trip early as planned, a lot changed after January 1st.  Logan got engaged and our wedding gift was the 2 airline tickets to get them to Texas to board their cruise ship for the honeymoon. On top of that, we decided that rather than have me work a part-time job at minimum wage, I'm going back to school for a psychology degree/counseling so in a few short years I can have a whole new career helping women. We didn't plan for college expenses but the first two years are under $6000 total.  We also found out my mother and brother would need a new place to live before Halloween since their apartment complex got taken over by a company wishing to raise rents high enough people have to leave, then they can renovate them and charge a lot more to new people. We made the decision that we're in the best position to help them so we're moving them in with us about two weeks before the wedding. That meant 2 more airline tickets, and a few things like beds, dressers, etc. for when they get here. Finances were more complicated than we expected, but they're better than I would've guessed they would be 4 months ago. Tim was smart and figured a few things out to reduce what we owe on the house, how to lower our payment, and how to save thousands on interest. I guess now that the big stuff is out of the way, it's all about staying on track to pay off the last bit on the credit card and resume building our savings.

5.  Charity/Outreach/Giving Back - My goal in January was to start a small group once a week for women at church that need a small, intimate group where they can share their troubles and frustrations, get support and encouragement, and learn more about life, God, the bible, and faith in the process. I also wondered if there was an outreach or community place to volunteer but nothing has popped up that I felt led to do yet.

Evaluation:  Our small group is doing great. We generally have 4 or 5 of us, soon adding a 6th I hope. As for volunteering, still nothing although my mother mentioned when she's here at Thanksgiving, maybe we could volunteer at a soup kitchen or something serving others. If she'll do it with me, I'll do that. Who knows where it may lead. Also, I'm a part of a new growing church now so I'll be watching to see what opportunities I may have through them as well.

     Did you set goals back in January? What if you did right now? Could you set ones for August, giving yourself a few weeks to plan ahead, gather anything you may need (I needed workout CDs and some basic inexpensive equipment), etc? If you set new goals, please share in a comment what they are!

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