Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Monday, July 31, 2017

Minimalist challenge evaluation on Day 31

     So now I've completed the 30 Day Challenge. I've heard back from friends and family that they've followed along and have either decided to make some changes too, or that they're learning from what they're reading here. Some have even done a few of these challenges along with the daily blog post. But what real changes have happened in just 30 days? I've listed them out but I need to give credit to The Minimalists because on their website I found an essay with these benefits generally in this order. I used that to make sure I hit lots of areas in this post.

1.  LIVE SIMPLY:  My main reason for doing this is to add value to other people's lives. Hopefully they will learn how to live more simply, less stressed. Maybe some people will even learn to reduce, and someday eliminate, discontent. I know this past month I have been more calm, breathed slower, got frustrated over things a lot less often, and I learned the true freedom that comes from understanding I can CHOOSE to let it go - material things, bad emotions, frustration, control - let it go, and live simply.

2.  RECLAIM TIME:  I read how minimalists somehow reclaim time after decluttering their homes, electronics, relationships, and lives. I don't know what exactly filled that time before, but I do find I have more time now than I did a month ago, even though I spent more time decluttering. This is very important since I'm about to fill up a lot more of my time with college classes in another three weeks!

3.  LIVE IN THE MOMENT:  Another side benefit to this past month is that I'm learning to slow down and live in the moment. When I talk to someone face to face, I'm truly, deeply listening now. I'm not thinking of the next thing to say to keep the conversation going. I'm not thinking of what else I need to do today. I'm in the moment with that person, and I feel closer to those ladies because of it.

4.  PURSUING PASSIONS:  My passions include travel, spending time with Tim, (and family/friends), seeing live shows/theater, and learning. I have done more of those in the last 3 years or so than ever before, but now that I've identified them as my true passions, I can pursue them more intentionally. After our anniversary trip, that may mean camping with Tim close enough to drive to, or seeing live music with him, or going through the Modern Instrument Museum with him (music is one of Tim's passions).

5.  DISCOVER OUR MISSIONS:  I was anxious about going back to school but with the things I've seen friends and family going through lately, and living in the moment, I am ready more than ever to get started so I can become a Women's Counselor. I truly feel I was meant to help them. By the way, I also just got approved for a scholarship that will cover half of this semester and half of next semester, so maybe that's some type of confirmation that I'm on the right track.

6.  EXPERIENCE REAL FREEDOM:  There will be greater freedom when all the kids are out on their own, so downsizing will bring us time and financial freedom, but in this past month, we have gotten our already in-order finances in even better shape (Tim gets credit for this one, not me), and with the scholarship, the next year of school won't be such a big burden either - no loans. That's the beginning of freedom, and now we're actively pursuing it.

7.  CREATE MORE-CONSUME LESS:  I've been creating intangibles like writing, better, more meaningful conversations, adding value to others, sharing ideas, and yes, buying less stuff. I still will be upgrading a few things as I go, like the shorts I mentioned in a previous post, but it's intentional.

8.  FOCUS ON HEALTH:  When things in my life start to come together, it's a great time to recommit to my health too. I'm trying to get more sleep (since I don't know how to sleep through the night, or even 6 hours at a time). I'm drinking more water, something I'd gotten off track with doing. I'm eating healthier foods than I already was - more veggies, a few more fruits besides just berries - less dairy, less meat. I'm watching portion sizes. And because I'm not stressed out, I'm not feeling like I'm on some diet, or missing out like I do when I'm too busy.

9.  GROWTH:  Everyone needs to grow, constantly. If you aren't growing, you're dying. No one stays exactly the same for years and decades. What we read, do, learn, let into our heads, eat, all these contribute to who we will be in the future. I believe the last 30 days I've grown more attentive to the needs of others and increased my desire to help others and to do what I can to make those I care about most to be happy.

10.  CONTRIBUTE:  I think 4 vanfuls of donations is quite a bit of contributing, along with our regular weekly giving at church. I also am wondering what things I should give or give back to going forward. I've got tentative plans to help out at a soup kitchen, and some other ideas to help my local community. I guess these are the kinds of things you can think about, figure out, and put into action when you have more time and mental freedom.

11.  DECLUTTERING:  This is a category by itself. In 30 days I've gotten rid of everything I don't need (until my next purging) from clothes to dishes to knick knacks. I've removed unwanted apps and advertising sites from my social media. I've let go of things in my schedule I don't need because they add no value to my life. I wish I could explain how having less stuff makes you feel so much better but I can't. You just have to experience it I guess.

12.  PURPOSES:  I mentioned my passions and mission, but purpose is more like why I was put on this earth. What gifts and talents have I been given to share and benefit others? I believe I was given a gift of encouragement. I figured out over the last 30 days that although encouraging others comes naturally, I sometimes feel too tired or stressed to offer it to someone who needs it. I've become more aware of the needs of others on a whole new level. I will encourage those more intentionally, even look for people who need it. It's so much better when you take the focus off yourself and focus on others.

*On a more interesting note, according to my blog's stats, in the last 30 days, this blog has been viewed 919 times! from 10 different countries: USA, Poland, Portugal, Canada, France, Ireland, Philippines, Germany, Russia, and India. The truths tend to be universal, so for those of you reading this blog, Thank You for joining me on this journey. Hope you'll stick around for what's next!

So what will August bring? Another 30 day challenge related to Living Simply - baby steps that anyone can do - and then I'll evaluate again at the end of August. Hopefully you'll continue to come back here and maybe even try some of them yourself.

I want the best for you. If you've done anything different over the last 30 days or been inspired to start something new, let me know. As always, I'd love to hear from you.

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