Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

THM - Day 2

     Yesterday I posted how I started a new way of eating called Trim Healthy Mama. I thought I'd check in to let you know how my first day went. Normally on the first day of any program, I do okay, eat something I forgot I wasn't supposed to, or else I've figured out everything I won't get to have for a while. Can you relate? The thought of never having an entire food group forever would make me start second guessing my decision to start something new - but this time, this really does seem like something I can live with.
     Breakfast was a quick frosted cinnamon muffin that had the consistency of a cake. It was great. It kept me full until lunch time, too.
     Lunch was a salad topped with a tiny NY Strip steak I found at the store on sale. I of course used creamy bleu cheese dressing over my lettuce & tomatoes. I added just a few berries for sweetness, and I was really full. The actual portion size was only about 4 oz of meat and barely 3 romaine leaves with only 1/2 a tomato. Such a filling meal. That must be why they call it an "S" meal, which stands for satisfying.
     The plan strongly recommends that you try to eat about every 3 hours, give or take, to keep your blood sugar levels steady. When they drop and spike all day from not eating, then overeating, that's when we start to mess up our bodies efficiency. For my afternoon snack, I felt like I was craving sugary carbs, so I found an easy recipe for a microwavable lemon cake with frosting. It took just a few minutes to mix, under 2 minutes to cook, and in 5 minutes I had a great snack to fix those cravings. I will say it's easy to tweak these recipes if you need to. In an earlier post I discussed my food sensitivity test and list. I can't have coconut oil so I had a choice to use either red palm oil or just butter. I chose the oil just to see how it would taste baked out. It was a very tangy lemon cake (I put the maximum lemon, not the minimum) and I think part of it was the red palm flavor too. I loved it, I'll definitely be making it again, and next time I'll try the butter version.
     For supper, I was still "satisfied", not hungry, not stuffed, just satisfied. I postponed supper until the very last part of that 3 hour window. I decided to have the beef roast I made in the crock pot. I needed to cook it and the guys needed to eat too. I put it in a bowl, melted some cheese over it, then added some brown gravy over it. It was a little bowl of yumminess! I needed some non-starchy vegetables with it but was simply too full for anything but that small bowl - so I used Romaine lettuce leaves as a sort of taco and ate it that way.
     The cookbook has recipes for small desserts that you can follow supper with, like mini frappes, but I was done for the day. I also had an "all day sipper", like a homemade chai, to sip on all day too.
     Day 1 - delicious, easy, healthy, satisfying, filling, so happy with this new plan.

     Day 2 started with an "E" meal, for "energyzing" - here's the healthy carbs.  I had old-fashioned oatmeal, not the quick or instant oats, because the older type is healthier and mine is gluten-free. I had just half a cup with a few pieces of fruit cut up in it, a little almond milk, no sweetener. I also had an Oikos Triple Zero Greek yogurt cup - no calories, no fat, made with Stevia instead of sugar or fake substitutes.
     Because my day started at early, breakfast was around 6. By 9 AM I wasn't overly hungry, but I knew I needed a snack. I pulled out the cookbook for ideas, but decided a couple of eggs with cheese and about one ounce of leftover roast would be more than enough.
     Lunchtime I was actually hungry, but not ravenous. It was strange. It was very different from when I normally feel hungry. This was more of a hollow, non-bloated, not tired kind of run down feeling (like a carb crash from the previous meal). I felt healthy, but like my body had efficiently used up what I'd previously eaten. I ended up getting home later than planned so it was almost 4 hours before eating. Not too bad. What I made was another recipe from the cookbook. I had homemade tomato soup that took me one minute to make, and just a few more to heat on the stove (I could've microwaved it, I guess). The book recommended half a low carb pita, opened and split, and used for a half sized grilled cheese. I've been to 3 stores so far and no one has low carb PITAs, just wraps/tortillas & breads. I improvised easily by using half of a low carb (small size) tortilla, and with the cheese in the middle, it was like having 1/4 of a cheese quesadilla. Pretty satisfying so I don't miss out on the usual number of carbs.
     Tonight I'll make a recipe called Egg Roll in a Bowl - sounds like fun. I need to be in bed before 6 PM to take my daughter to work at 2 AM, so I probably won't be having my snack. I'll just plan to make it some other day this week. It's a single serve sized white cake with frosting. Now THAT'S an eating plan I can live with!

     One last note, my all day sipper called The Shrinker has cayenne pepper in it. I love the taste but I could tell something I'd eaten must've been on my Alcat sensitivity foods list. Sure enough, cayenne should be removed from my diet. So how hard is it to alter the recipe and continue enjoying it? I just switch to chili pepper and I'm good to go - I have no sensitivities to chilis. So even if you have allergies or situations where you can't have gluten, or meat, or seafood, or dairy - you can still easily alter this and do it.

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