Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Trim Healthy Mama - Day 1

     Today is the first  official day of eating using the Trim Healthy Mama plan & cookbook. I heard about it through my cousin's wife who lives way up in Alaska, and she looks great every time I see photos of her. I bought the Plan book and the cookbook. When they came in I started reading immediately.
     The first thing that got my attention was that both authors had been through what I'd been through:  trying every plan out there - Atkins, Low Carb, Fat Free, Jenny Craig/Weight Watchers/NutriSystem programs, Vegetarianism, Vegan, Raw only, etc. and they didn't get results either. Come to think of it, almost all the women I know have tried so many of these with no luck, either! The gym thing? Yeah, I think being healthy and fit is important, but when you've spent 90min. to 2 hours a day, 5 days a week, up at 4:30 am, just to get to the gym and do both weights and cardio - and all you lose in 6 months is TWO POUNDS and never really dropped a size - why bother?! Something else had to be going on.
     These two ladies have figured out that a better way to help your body use what you eat the way it was meant to is to follow a sort of food pairing program. This was something that came and went in the late 90s, early 00s, but being Americans, we rejected it. We like our steak and potatoes, burgers and fries, hot dogs and potato chips, chili with all the toppings, etc. What THM's plan says, is to start with your protein - lean meat, red meat, fish, poultry, whey protein, etc. Then you either add fats to your fattier proteins, or else add carbs to your leaner protein. Just don't mix fats and carbs. That's basically it in a nutshell.  You can even pick which way you want to go with it at each meal or snack, no rules.
     The plan book and cookbook make it easy, it just takes a little bit of thought in the first week or so, then it gets easier and second nature. I didn't start until today because I knew I had a few things like a planned dinner out, snacks at a movie, a birthday party, and a tea with friends, that I had to get through first. I also ordered a few of the THM convenience products off their site, like the baking mix and sweetener. While waiting for today, I spent about a week eating the way I would if I'd already started - matching lean proteins with carbs and fattier proteins like red meat and ground beef with my fats. Know what happened? I dropped a size, lost a lot of the muffin-top bloating I'd struggled with for a year, and lost about 5 pounds - without really trying! I'm so excited to do this!
     The best part is that this plan really is something I can see myself doing forever, since it never has you count calories, or grams of anything (although they give slight guidelines for OCD people like me), you aren't told what your portion sizes are, just rough ideas. As they put it, "If we tell you that then it's OUR eating program. You decide what's right for you because it's YOUR eating plan."  No entire group of foods are off limits - like no carbs, or has to be gluten-free, or never eat fruits, in fact the only thing they really recommend is getting off the sugars and switch to either Stevia, or a blend with Stevia you can either purchase at a health food store or through them. They even created typical menus based on lifestyle, whether you're a busy, working Mom who usually hits the drive thru, or a purist who only eats organics, or a Mom who must budget for a large family. Total flexibility.
     As my first day, let me share with you my first meal. It took 5 min. to make, and just 15 min. in the oven (or I could've chosen to microwave it). It's a Frosted Cinnamon Muffin (cookbook recipe) and an "all day sipper" drink that helps you lose all day. It tastes like homemade chai, it's amazingly good. Here's my photo:

     It tasted so good! The muffin had the consistency of a cake, tasting sort of like a cross between maybe a sweet bran muffin and carrot cake? The cream cheese frosting was good too, but next time I'd take the time to blend or maybe even melt the cream cheese. The drink I made a few days ago for the first time. Everyone in the house tried it and loved it too. The strangest thing about the muffin was that I expected to use the THM baking mix for my flour, but it only used 3T of ground flaxseed meal, which I actually already had in the house. That's why of all the breakfast items I could've chosen, I thought I'd try this. Quick, easy, super-moist, healthy, and so filling that I skipped the 1/2 Triple Zero Greek yogurt that could've been paired with this. Can't wait to see how lunch goes. 



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