Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Living simply challenge Day 19: Nature

When I say the word nature, what do you picture? Beaches? Mountains? Woods? Deserts? Rainstorms? Sunrises and sunsets? You'd be right on any of those because nature can mean different things to different people.

     When trying to live a simple life, it sometimes takes getting out of the city and getting back to nature, even if it's just for a day trip or overnight getaway. I love being close enough to a major city that there's always things to do, experiences to have and share, as well as the convenience factor. I tried living in a very rural area for two years, and although it just wasn't a good fit for us (no jobs within 30 miles, nothing for 3 teenagers to do, getting milk took an hour round trip minimum, etc.) I can still appreciate the beauty of nature where we were.

     Where we live is amazing. We're within driving distance of desert, large city, suburbs with lots of green parks and trees, woods, mountains, rural villages with 100 year old stone ruins, high heat and even skiing in the winter. We're very blessed. Even ocean beaches are just a 6 hour drive or so. Getting away from the stress of everyday living is pretty easy here. You can hike, swim, walk on designated paths, play with the kids in the park, walk through the woods, the options are endless. It just takes a little bit of effort to get out of the comfort zone of the living room sofa. I would bet where you live, you can take in nature too. In the north, there's mountains, woods, lakes, and fields. In the midwest there's lots of country towns and villages filled with corn fields and wooded areas. In the southwest there's deserts and spectacular mountains. In the southeast you have lots of beaches, green parks, and wetland areas. In New England, just getting out to see the foliage in the fall can be a lifetime memory experience. You just have to unplug and get out there.

     So WHY would I recommend nature as part of simple living? Because nature tends to be more quiet, a place to think and listen to your thoughts. It's a place where you can slow your pace and your heart rate while taking in natural beauty that you just don't find in man-made areas. What kind of screensavers do most people use on their computers? Nature scenes. Why? Because it's relaxing to contemplate. The way the sun shimmers off a still lake, the way an ice storm makes a landscape of dead trees look like a crystal work of art, the lush greens, yellows and browns of the earthy smelling woods, the views from mountain tops, the sound of the ocean waves mixed with the smell of the salt and sand, that first cool breeze in the last hot day of summer, that first warm breeze during the last cold day of a long spring...those things DO something to humans. They help us relax, recharge, slow down and appreciate the beautiful world created around us. It helps us remember that living simply is all about this - not the rushing and consuming we see ever day. Nature doesn't ask us to buy anything, nor does it profit by us. It's there for one purpose, to bring joy and add value to our lives.

     Consider a weekend getaway, or even a day trip to get back into nature sometime soon. Maybe your next vacation will be spent camping, or kayaking, or on beaches VERY different from where you live, or maybe an escape to the mountains with long warm sweaters and hot cocoa. I know everyone's always too busy for stuff like that, but if you'll just prioritize and make time, you'll find that little bit of simple living and peace you've been longing for but haven't been able to find.

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