Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Simple Living challenge Day 18: Live a Non-toxic life.

     Today's challenge can be very challenging when you first get started, but it truly does get easier as time goes on and people around you realize the kind of person you're who avoids the toxic people, situations, and things, and a person who lives more simply.

     Every day we could potentially be surrounded by toxins, and I'm not talking about the poisonous chemicals in our air and foods. So many of us go through life just going through the motions. Then we wake up one day and find ourselves in toxic relationships, situations, and among toxic things. So how do we learn to live intentionally and avoid these toxic things? Let's look at them one at a time:

1.  Toxic relationships - You should intentionally involve yourself with people that add value to your life, and that you are willing to add value to their lives as well. They should bring you joy and happiness, just as you should for them. The problem comes in when we allow toxic people into our circle. Who are the toxic people? They are the ones that are always angry, very hot-headed and in your face opinionated. They're the ones that feel if you disagree with them, YOU'RE wrong, EVERY time. They suck the joy from the room just by entering it. They light up the room when they leave. They're the people in your social media news feed that constantly post about someone who's been abused, an animal that was killed by cruelty, or the nothing but political divisiveness. They're the people that are "takers" and never are the "givers". When you see them your first thought is, "What do they want from me now?!" You have a choice to avoid those people most of the time. Sometimes you're forced to work with them, or sometimes you married them and over time they've changed and become bitter, toxic. Well, I would never recommend a divorce unless it's for abuse, abandonment, or a lifestyle of cheating - so no, this is NOT your free pass to get out of a marriage for "something better". What I AM saying is that you can be living with or working with a toxic person, but it doesn't need to be someone you go out of your way to engage. If it's a so-called friend, neighbor, co-worker, maybe even a boss, choose to free yourself of them to the extent you're able. Don't join in to extra curricular activities with them. You don't have to stop and have a conversation with them just because you happen to come across them during your day. A simple head nod or wave to acknowledge them is sufficient. Save your time for intentional living, your priorities, quiet time to unwind or recharge, and to spend with those you love to be with regularly.

2.  Toxic situations - This one is going to be personal based on your experiences. For an alcoholic who's trying to quit, going to AA meetings, a bar is the last place you need to be spending spare time with your former drinking buddies. If you were a person prone to cheating on your significant other, than stay away from singles places, singles meetings, situations where you'll be paired up with people you'd be drawn to by infatuation. If you're trying to lose weight, stay out of the fast food restaurants and when you grocery shop, make most if not all of your purchases from the perimeter of the store, produce, dairy, and meats. Avoid the middle areas full of junk food. If you know you've spent a lifetime mindlessly shopping and cluttering your life, and you're trying to turn over a new leaf, then stay out of the malls, boutiques, and shops. Go with an accountability partner, with a list of what specific things you need and buy nothing else. If you have an ex-spouse and you cannot be friends anymore, then avoid things where you know they'll be. Yes, it may mean missing out on a dinner party or something once in a while, but the peace you'll gain in the long run makes it so worth it.

3.  Toxic things - Okay, this one is pretty simple and you already know what's wrong for you in your life. It may be recreational drugs. If you're a person who starts their weekend off with thoughts like, "What am I going to drink this weekend?" or you tell people your PLAN is to be DRUNK, you most likely have a problem. It may not be getting in the way of your job yet, but a problem rarely vanishes on its own without being intentional in your choices and attitudes. Cigarettes - who still smokes these days? If you're on the right track with the Minimalist 30 day challenge and have been taking baby steps during this August set of challenges, you should already be less stressed out than usual, and you should be finding a sense of calm by now.

     Avoiding those toxic things in your life will lead to a simple lifestyle worth living.

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