Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Living Simply challenge Day 27: Thankfulness

Thankfulness - a noun meaning gratitude or appreciation. Are you a person who is thankful? Do you truly appreciate what you have or where you're at? Are you grateful for the people, things, opportunities and gifts in your life? If not, today's challenge is to begin with a baby step, a step towards becoming thankful for who you are, where you're at, what you have, those around you, and for what obstacles, challenges, and bad things you do NOT have.

Here's a few things to start with:

1. People - this will look different for everyone, but hopefully there is someone in your world that you can be thankful for because they're there for you. Do you have someone to discuss things with, bounce ideas off of, or they encourage you when you need it? If not, it's time to get out and meet a few people with common interests until you can identify someone like this. For the rest of us, maybe you have a spouse or partner, parent, sibling, adult child, cousin, aunt/uncle, grandparent, mentor, coach, pastor or priest, teacher, adviser, counselor, neighbor, friend, boss, or coworker. Take time to be thankful for the person(s) who is there for you. Maybe even figure out a small way to let them know you don't take them for granted - buy them a cup of coffee, invite them over, do something with them, write them a note just to say thank you...

2.  Favors - Has someone gone out of their way to do something nice for you? Did someone help you accomplish something you couldn't do, or do on time, without their help? Has someone done something to save you time or money? Rearrange their plans to accommodate you? If so, be thankful. Tell them you appreciate what they did. I know you probably said a quick, 'Thanks," at the time, but if you stop to really think about it, did it cost them something? Time? Money? Go out of their way for you? Put off their own agenda to please you or make your life a little less stressful? Thank them. Don't ever miss the opportunity to let people know you appreciate something they did for you.

3.  Contentment - Are you able to be content with what you have? So much of culture is anxiety and depression ridden because they can't appreciate what they have. They constantly search for the next new thing. What if you stopped for a minute, looked around, and wrote down what you are thankful that you have and are content with having? If you've already decluttered, this may be easier for you since you've only kept what's important to you. If you haven't, you may just realize how much you're surrounded by things that bring you no joy, nor are they currently relevant, or useful. Do you have a bed to sleep in? A table to eat on? Books to help you learn and grow? A computer so you don't have to go somewhere to do what you need to get done? Clothes to keep you warm? Food to eat? Shoes that aren't worn through? A vehicle to get you where you need to go? A job? Be thankful, because I have met many people in my life that don't have half of these things yet somehow they are content with what they do have, and they appreciate what they have. I know people who've lived without running water or hot water, no electricity for extended periods of time (including none to keep food in a refrigerator or cook with a stove), no heat in winter, no air conditioning in summer, no food when they or their children are hungry. Be content with what you have because someday it could all be taken away unexpectedly.

4.  Miracles - you can take this one however you choose. Some of us have a strong faith in a higher being and have seen miracles happen that cannot be explained any other way - far beyond coincidence. Maybe it was a serious health diagnosis from tests that suddenly cleared up without treatment overnight. It could've been seeing a total "180" in someone's personality that saved their life or that of another. It could be the miraculous timing or gift or meeting someone that never should've happened but did and changed your world (or someone else's). Others choose to live life without thought to any type of faith or higher being, and that's their choice, I'm not trying to tell anyone what to do - but even they have sometimes witnessed or seen things happen that there's no logical explanation for it. It could be a one in a million odds that came together in their favor. Maybe the timing on something was brought together in a way that no one could have even hoped for. Sometimes it's that chance meeting with a stranger that changes your whole world. Whatever miracles you've seen or experienced, be thankful for them. Every day there's people asking for a miracle and it just doesn't happen. Appreciate the wonderful ones you've received.

5.  Security - we no longer live with the naive belief that we are "safe" in this world There are people who do bad things, unexpected weather disasters, unstable stock markets, job insecurity, less relationship commitment than ever before, lies, dishonesty, and more. So how can you be thankful for security? It's like contentment - be thankful for the security you do have while you have it. If you know you've paid your mortgage or rent for the month, be appreciative that at least for the next month, you don't have to worry about being homeless. Many don't have that luxury. Did you go grocery shopping this week? At least you know you and your family will be able to eat for the next week or so without missing meals. Many don't have that luxury. Are you wearing clothes that aren't threadbare, stained, with large holes in them? Many don't have that luxury. Do you have a job or other income producing project/business? Many don't have that luxury. Is your car pretty reliable? Do you really expect it to break down if you drive it tomorrow? Many don't have that luxury. There's nothing more embarrassing than listening to someone find out after complaining about not having something that he's talking to someone with so much less than he has (and doesn't appreciate).

6. Health/Body/Mind - Okay, we all have things we don't like or have issues to deal with, but let me break this into 3 sub-topics in regard to thankfulness:

  • Health:  Maybe you aren't in the best of health, maybe you are. Maybe you're on too many medications, maybe you aren't. Maybe you've got weight to lose, tired a lot, don't sleep enough, but maybe not. Either way, would you trade with a stranger who suffers from major health issues? You may have weight to lose but what about those struggling who can't do everyday tasks? You may be tired, but want to trade with someone who's got Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? or Narcolepsy? Don't sleep enough? Want to trade with someone with a true, severe case of Insomnia where nothing works - not meditation, white noise, medications, bedtime routines, herbs & supplements, essential oils, aromatherapy, etc. Try going through life, having to go to work or school when you haven't gotten more than 6 hours of sleep across 3 or 4 days! Be thankful for the health you have, wherever it's at, because many would trade theirs in a heartbeat for yours. 
  • Body: Do you have 2 arms, 2 legs, 2 hands, 2 feet, a crippling disease, cancer ravaging your insides, a nervous system that's medically failing? If you have the ability to walk, work, think, get out of bed in the morning, you don't have to live in a hospital, be appreciative of that. Be thankful that you can do the little everyday things you take for granted. Many don't have that luxury.
  • Mind:  There's a growing number of people suffering from dementia, Parkinson's, and other mind degenerating diseases, as well as people being born every day with learning disabilities. Don't waste what you've been blessed with - a mind that works - however fast or slow. Appreciate that you can remember things, learn things, evaluate and initiate change, make intentional choices. Many don't have that luxury.
Now onto the little things that you can do every day to develop the HABIT of being thankful. Take note of the little things around you, things that could have been worse or gone badly. Learn to watch for them. Here's a few ideas:

your pet - you made it to the bus/subway/elevator before the doors closed - good hair days - finding money in the pocket of a jacket you haven't worn in a while - someone opening the door for you - when someone says thank you to you - sunny/rainy/cool/warm days when you need it - a good meal - good service - a comfy chair - the short line in the store - time with someone you love - vacations - the car started today - your paycheck was a little more than you thought - sunsets - a good book - a speech or documentary that helped change you - a moment that made you laugh - music - a good night's rest - winning something - scoring something you needed for free - getting the last "one" before it was gone (tickets, seats, items, etc.) 

What if tomorrow you woke up with only the things you remembered to say Thank You for the night before?

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