Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Added Value Day 1

Welcome to September! Get ready to see pumpkin flavored everything wherever you go. This month I will try to post almost every day, working around a trip out of the country, a wedding, and relocating family from FL. My posts in September will be what I heard the Minimalists call "added value". It's things they share that add value to their lives. It may or may not add value to yours, but they share it in case it does. That's my goal. To bring you things that will help you.

     Today I watched a young woman take on a one week challenge to live like a minimalist. It's about 8 minutes long but moves along quickly and it's done very well. She stumbled a bit because like many people, she was under the impression it meant remove almost everything from her life, trying to keep a minimal number of possessions at her disposal. She ends up keeping too few clothes for the week, getting rid of makeup because she said it's not essential. What she does find however is that she enjoys living with less clutter, stuff she didn't even remember she had. She was shocked by how much stuff she had just in her one room. Also, she learned to save time getting ready in the morning, felt more relaxed coming home to less clutter, and she meets someone who teaches her that minimalism still includes things that add value, hold meaning, and bring joy.

     Enjoy the video, and remember, what you keep or toss is totally up to you, it looks different for everyone, and it has nothing to do with the number of items you own.  It's about bringing joy and peace, living a more simple life with more freedom, and letting go of the unimportant. Click on the link below to watch - Enjoy!

1 week experiment with being a minimalist

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