Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Living Simply challenge Day 28: Little Decisions

So all month we have journeyed together through making intentional baby steps towards living a more simple life. Just 3 more days left, then a day of evaluating on the 31st. Today's challenge is again, some baby steps to simplify and make your life your own - a more simple life.

1.  Try waking up a little earlier than usual so you have time to stretch, exercise, have a relaxing cup of coffee or tea before heading out the door, reading, spending time in your bible or praying, plan your day, etc. Use it wisely and intentionally.

2.  Let go of the little stuff that doesn't matter: the car that cut you off, or the person in your "15 items or less" line at the grocery store with 22 items in their cart - you know that because you silently counted them from where you were.

3.  Stop your cable if it's a huge time waster in your life. You can have wifi without television, and still you have options like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, etc. when you intentionally plan to sit and watch a movie.

4.  Decide to drive past the store and don't shop on impulse. It's not "something to do".  It's a waste of money and time.

5.  Eat simple, healthy foods whenever possible. Eating junk food will only zap your energy until you're exhausted, make you feel heavy from all the grease, and make you bloated from the sugars, chemicals, and gluten.

6.  Intentionally make time for things that add value to your life or bring you joy - like getting out into nature for a bit, making time to play with your kids, planning a date night, making plans to go be with friends (maybe for a game night to save money).

7.  Say no to things that you really don't want to do. Agreeing to do something you hate, then resenting it, and remembering it when you're with the person you said yes to - that's not the way to live a simple life. By saying no to things, you'll be able to say yes to what's most important to you.

8.  Minimize distractions. Give yourself time with your notifications off, even if it's just at night, or for a half hour during the day. Keep extra television, radio, and other noise off if it's just background noise and something you're not intentionally choosing to do.

9.  Read books, don't just collect them. I love books, but unread books gathering as clutter just adds more stress and pressure to your life. Read one, then donate it or pass it on. Get them from the library or download free ebooks before you end up paying retail for them.

10.  Give your attention to those you love, not strangers on the internet. Your time is precious but not just to you. It's precious to those who love and miss you. Shut out social media in favor of building and enhancing quality relationships with those that mean the most to you. An hour commenting and arguing with people on social media is so wasteful when you figure what that hour could mean to a mom in a nursing home, a child who doesn't get to see you enough, that friend you know needs you, the neighbor you know needs help with something, that spouse who misses you, or calling that distant friend or relative you know you think about and miss all the time.

Be proactive. Be intentional. Prioritize. And all of these things can be little, incremental baby steps to take you from where you are now to the more simple life you seek.

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