Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Added Value: Aesthetics


     Many people hear about minimalism and living simply and they picture stark white walls, white floors, white ikea furniture, and not much else. That's not what it's about. It has nothing to do with living like a monk in a centuries old cement monastery or making your home look like a prison cell. For your home to be a place of refuge, that brings you joy, you have to consider aesthetics.

     What type of person are you? What makes you feel at peace? Where are you most comfortable? If it's the beach, add some beach decor, just choose specially chosen, intentional pieces placed in a few areas without becoming "clutter". Maybe an art piece that's not busy like this:

     Then maybe just add a few things in matching colors, that pink sand color or aqua water or natural wood. It could be a vase, one throw pillow, a lap blanket draped over a chair, a candle on the kitchen or dining room table, or a large starfish or conch shell on a shelf next to a few books. Keep it simple, but bring in what you love.

     What if nature is your happy place? Again, find a piece of simple, minimalist art of a single leaf, or a set of 2 or 3, then continue to add that dark green or real wood in small pieces. It could be a piece of driftwood on a shelf or table, again, a vase or candle, a simple green rug on a bare hardwood or tile floor. It's up to you to decide what makes your home feel warm instead of stark and cold.

 So what if your style is "country" as in Americana, or western, or bohemian, or Victorian, or a culture you embrace such as African, Indian, or Italian? The possibilities are endless, just keep it simple. Keep every single thing you bring in meaningful because it adds to your sense of style, personality, and makes your living space your "home". Here's a few examples:

 It can be art pieces, throw rugs, mirrors, frames, pillows, blankets, bookends, plants, lamps, anything that brings in who you are.

 Just be intentional. Choose carefully only after giving it serious thought. And if you decide in the future it no longer is necessary or bringing you joy, don't be afraid to consider it "clutter". Sell it, donate it, or give it away to someone who you know will enjoy it - and try again. Don't turn it into an excuse to shop. Don't use it to RE-clutter your space. Just make it yours, and keep it simple.

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