Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Added Value: Capsule Wardrobe

     First, a quick update on my hacked Amazon account. I want you to know I live what I blog. After doing all I could from my end, I was left to wait to hear back from them, and waiting for the bank to open this morning to make sure everything was okay. What I didn't do was panic. I truly had a good rest of the day yesterday once passwords were changed and notifications were set up. I absolutely was at peace mentally all day. I chose to not let anxiety and stress have a place in my head. I decided not to let things out of my control ruin my day. I hope you learn to live a more simple life like this over time too.

     Now, on to the business at hand in today's post...The number 1 top thing people ask me about is creating a Minimalist Capsule Wardrobe. Let's start off on the same foundation:

1.  It's not about how many items you own. It's only about creating a wardrobe that saves you time, space, wasting money, and eliminates the unwanted clutter. Lots of people have a wardrobe between 30 and 50 items, but it's not any type of rule. It's all about what works for YOU. The key is having things that layer and work together, and are made up of similar colors that work together as well.

2.  Where you live determines your wardrobe. If you live in a warm winter climate and super hot summer climate like in Arizona, Texas, or Florida, you won't need a wardrobe specifically designed with scarfs, winter hats, thick boots, heavy winter coats, tons of sweaters, etc. If you live in the northern areas like Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, or Maine, you will definitely have a much different wardrobe in January than you will in July. This is why no set number works for everyone.

3.  You don't need to "display" your off-season wardrobe along with your current one. This tends to make you waste space and time getting ready. Keep your unused clothing boxed and stored in a closet or under the bed, which should be easy if it's only a capsule sized wardrobe anyway. Only keep your current clothing in your closet.

     Okay, with that in mind, here's a few articles and videos that can help you either get started, or complete your capsule wardrobe. With fall approaching in just a few weeks, it's time to go through and figure out what you need, what to donate, and what needs to be thrown away. Enjoy! Just click on the links to see more:

How to build a Fall capsule wardrobe for women

How to wear a minimalist style this fall

Men's Minimalist Capsule Wardrobe

Men's Capsule Wardrobe - Business Casual - 34 pieces

Fall Capsule wardrobe

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