Living Simply

This blog has developed into a blog about living a more simple life, as well as minimalism. Hopefully it will give you ideas how to simplify your life and get the most out of it.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Added Value Day 3: Use Time Wisely

Does it seem like we live in a world that's too busy? Are people always making excuses for why they don't take vacations, play with their kids, make time for their friends - and the excuses are the same - "I have no time"? The truth is, everyone has the same amount of time, 365 days a year, 12 months a year, 52 weeks in a year, 7 days a week, 24 hours in each day, 1440 minutes a day (doesn't that seem like a lot?), and 86,400 seconds every day. So how are we spending our time?
     Fourteen HUNDRED minutes. Such a large number, but it never seems like it as we're running on the hamster wheel of life every day. What do most people who are busy do with them? Here's a breakdown according to one website (click on the link): How Americans spend their time

     According to this article, the average American over the age of 15 spends most of their time sleeping, over 8 hours each 24 hour day. Most older folks I know sleep far less than that, rising before dawn, and most teenagers and young adults I know sleep far more than that, often sleeping til noon on days they aren't at work or school - so I guess it's a fair "average". It does say people with kids sleep a little less. Statistics show more men work full time and many woman work part time, again this is on average. The surprising statistic is that people have 5-6 LEISURE hours every single day, and even more on weekends! So how is that time being spent since people have "no time" for what they say is really important? Here's another link to tell you how most of that time is spent:


     I'm sorry, but that seems appalling to me. With kids desperately missing out on quality time with their parent(s), families aren't eating dinner together nor talking about their day anymore, friends don't make as much time for each other like they used to a generation or two ago, it's so sad to think the few precious hours and minutes we get, we waste it watching television.

     America LEADS other nations in how much time is wasted in front of the TV, followed closely by Australia, Italy and Poland. Which nations watch the least? Korea, China and Sweden. What does Sweden offer to do with all that extra leisure time? They exercise (sports, walking, etc) and spend time building relationships. As a result, 83% of their children under 16 are healthy. Compare that to the U.S. where only 33% of kids get exercise daily, and only 30 - 44% of adults in different age groups do. American children spend more than 7 1/2 hours in front of the TV! The Swedish spend their long winters with friends and family where most Americans stay inside and live sedentary lifestyles.

     What about Korea? What do they do to limit too much internet and television? They actually have programs with counseling and psychological treatment for roughly 2 million people to break the addiction. They also eat healthy, make entertainment (live theater, family events, local events) a priority, exercise, enjoy the outdoors, especially camping, and engage in meditation/relaxation practices regularly. Their average life expectancy by 2030 is said to be over 90! Americans could learn a lot from them.

     And lastly, what about China? Exercise is a way of life, along with eating healthy, fresh foods. Many articles I've read talk about the retired aged couples of China never owning (some never even seeing) a can opener before. China even has a province called Guangxi where many residents live to be over 100 years old! Also, relationships are key to a better life. Their elders are revered, and it's a treat to spend time with them whenever possible, as one generations teaches the next, on down the line. People are socially connected. They promote restorative sleep and are serious about managing stress. Compare that to the U.S. where we sleep less, thrive on stress as a badge of honor, ignore our elders in nursing homes so we don't have to "deal with them", there's less and less respect with each generation, we exercise less than any other nation, and instead of many centenarians, the average lifespan in America is barely 79, and dropping every year as cancers, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and other sedentary lifestyles outweigh the modern miracles in medicine.

     Use your time wisely. Spend it with your loved ones. Spend it moving, exercising, hiking, walking, participating in sports, etc. Don't waste what time you have creating a life that's neither filled with joy, nor adding value - use your time wisely.

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